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Featured Art - Cankpe Opi

Featured Art - Cankpe Opi
Frank Howell

Featured Video - Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Featured artist - Tha Tribe

The origin of Tha Tribe is unique in itself. It all started in January 1997 when a bunch of young college students, from different parts of Indian Country, enrolled at Haskell Indian Nations Universtiy. These individuals just sort of clicked together with one basic common interest............Pow-Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soon after, they decided just to get together for a jam session to pass the time. After that first song was cracked out, each and every person's face just lit up with excitement for they knew that something extravagant was in the making. It was only a few weeks until these individuals started traveling together, as a group, to pow-wows. During the midst of this beginning, two of the founding members started composing songs left and right for this group.

Another distinctive feature about Tha Tribe is the tribal diversity within the group. Native American Indian Nations are represented within this group from all of the four sacred directions of Indian Country. This allows them to possess capabilities of composing and singing songs in many various Native languages. This key factor is probably what makes this group of young singers so popular. The nations represented by members of Tha Tribe include: Menominee, Oneida, Pueblo, Navajo, Blackfeet, Ojibway, Sioux, Ho-Chunk, Cherokee, Sac&Fox, Cheyenne, Apache, Crow, Potowatomie, and Kickapoo.

Tha Tribe has made many great accomplishments and strive to continue on this path for many years to come. They have completed three professional recordings with Canyon Records and and contributed on three compilations recordings as well with Soar Records entitled Gathering of Nations 1998, 1999, and 2000. The three recordings with Canyon Records are titled T2K, Live from Tornado Alley, and their latest one set for release in Summer 200l called In Action. Just recently, they were awared with a Grammy for the Best Native American Album along with several other groups for their contribution to the compilation recording previously listed entitled Gathering of Nations.

Check out their website: http://www.geocities.com/thatribe2001/

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